Can't Buy Me a Job:

Woman Graduates with First Master's in Beatles Studies

By: Elizabeth Tyler


The first Masters degree in 'Beatles studies' has been awarded to a lady in Liverpool ... And before you ask, her name's not Eleanor Rigby.

It was in fact the former Miss Canada finalist and professional actress, 53 year old Mary-Lu Zahalan-Kennedy, a student of Liverpool Hope University in the UK. She was one of the first 12 students to sign up for the MA in 'The Beatles, Popular Music and Society', when it began in 2009, and on Wednesday was announced as the course's first graduate.

The course focuses on the work of the Beatles in terms of composition and sound, the influence of Liverpool on their music and the importance of their music in influencing aspects of culture and society.

The founder and leader of the MA, Mike Brocken, is proud of the fact that course graduates course will join the ranks of scholars of Popular Music Studies: "who are able to offer fresh and thought-provoking insights into the discipline of musicology."

Upon graduating, Ms Zahalan-Kennedy said "I am so proud of my achievement. The course was challenging, enjoyable and it provided a great insight into the impact the Beatles had and still have to this day across all aspects of life." (Via Yahoo News)